Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Robert Buckley

Look at him ! So adorable. He has a smile that I adore sooo... much.

He captured my heart the first time I saw him on "Lipstick Jungle". The smile, The bod, He's Perfect. hihihi... kinda type of my guy

Look at his body. I'm drooling. ----> (Tizi drooling...........)


  1. im so inlove with him too!the smile and that sexy body OMG!

    and hey thanks for the comment on my blog!

  2. @Mac : I just watched his movie "Flirting with Forty", half of the movie he was shirtless. OMG!!!

    I'm drooling till the end of movie. hihihi...

    And, ur welcome,
    I like ur blog.
