Monday, March 30, 2009

Martina McBride - Wrong Baby Wrong Baby Wrong

One of my fave songs from her newest album "Shine".

The song is very catchy, I can't get this song out of my head.

So, Wrong Baby Wrong...
Are you Wrong Too ?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Daniel Powter - Am I Still The One ?

One of my fave songs taken from Under The Radar album by Daniel Powter.

So, Am I Still The One ?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tragedy Shirt : If Shirt Could Talk...

Starts with 2 months ago when I went shopping with my fren. (What Can I Say... I love shopping). Setelah dengan penuh semangat, well to be exact..., setelah kecapean dan perjuangan keras, ::Gimana ga perjuangan, bayangin aja, satu mall udah gua jelajahin, naik ampe ke lantai paling atas trus turun lagi ampe ke paling bawah, naik lagi, and so on... hihihi. ampir semua stores uda gua masukin::

I found my perfect shirt (well, at least that's what I thought when I bought it).

Bajunya warna putih, (No. 3 of my favorite colour), desainnya simple ga rumit, hanya beberapa huruf di tengah2 baju, V neck with 4 buttons. Simple and Elegant, just like that. And I look damn hot wearing this shirt. Uuh..., gua lupa bilang, bajunya tipis lho, so my nipples really showing(ngejiplak). Hot, right???

Bajunya tinggal 2, yang satu ada kotoran kecil (very very tiny) di bagian bawah bajunya. Yang satu lagi ada kerutan di bagian lehernya. So, gua milih yang ada kerutan di lehernya. (That's when the tragedy began).
Di rumah, gua dengan senengnya cobain lagi tu baju sambil ngaca di kamar mandi. :: I look really damn hot. Yay... :: Accidentally tu baju kena cipratan air ketika gua lagi cuci tangan. Pas gua lagi gantung tu baju, gua baru sadar OH MY GOD !!! sablonan tulisan huruf di baju gua luntur. OH MY GOD !!! gua rasanya mau pingsan saat itu (That's when I knew I made the wrong choice, milih sih kerutan leher drpd yg ada kotoran kecil) Damn.

Tragedy still continuing...

After washing nih baju (Twice), akhirnya lunturan nya hilang juga. Bikin gua kaget aja. Besokannya, gua baru mau bilang ke Bibi yang lagi gosok baju gua supaya ati - ati, ga tau nya dia lagi gosok baju gua. Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!! ga taunya gosokan bajunya terlalu panas dan benang baju gua yang tadinya warna putih jadi item kena gosong. OMG !!! Untung baru sedikit.

Finally after a lot of suffering, gua pake juga ni baju 3 weeks ago, hehehe... gua dengan manisnya muterin satu mall, with my very charming smiles of course, sampe kaki gua ga sanggup jalan, hihihi...

Setelah penuh dengan tragedy, gua sendiri ah yang cuci ni baju. Safe. Sialnya, besokannya pas gua liat, OMG, baju gua kena lunturan lagi. Kali ini warna orange di Leher V nya, n di sekitar bahu dan lengan. OMG!!!

Kenapa warna orange? ternyata pas dijemur, ni baju ditempel ama my underwear yg warna orange (Hey, I love my underwear especially the sexy one dengan warna yg HOT).

Akhirnya dengan pemutih baju dan a lot of effort, sebagian besar lunturan ilang juga. Thanks God, I thought.

Esokan nya lagi, another tragedy still coming...

Pas gua liat, sablonan huruf baju gua rontok. Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kenapa ini terus terjadi???

Ternyata si Bibi ga masuk n digantiin anaknya yg ga tau kalo gosokan yg terlalu panas bisa bikin rontok sablonan baju gua. Hik.. Hik.. Hik..

That's it. I give up. Nih tadinya yg perfect shirt harus masuk museum.

So, that's goes to back of my closet.

So, If shirt could talk,... he will cry all night long with me, and he will ask me why am I so cruel to him. And he will ask me why as his master, I'm not protecting his ?

I'm Sorry

I'm really really sorry.

You may not believe this story, but it is true. I'm telling you...

Tizi Tizzz

Keyshia Cole - You Complete Me

Ms. Keyshia Cole, People ! This song is very meaningful. You Complete Me. Just like you guys complete me. hehehe...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Ronan Keating - I Believe I Can Fly

Hearing this song makes me remember all of my big dreams. When I was a boy, (Now, still.. a boy) I used to have a big dream. I dream someday when I grown up I live in this big house living with my partner, have a good job (Uuh, $$ be a millionaire $$), be a lawyer (but I'm suck with law), be a teacher (but I don't have patience), have a good life, and be a good man. Yeah,... I know I know I'm a big dreamer, so what..., I can't help it. Hey, maybe my dream still not yet come true, but I'm working on it.

So, this is for everyone who has big dream (or not). I hope your dreams will come true.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rowan McBride - Want Me

Book Title : Want Me

Author : Rowan McBride

Rating : ***** Five Star, Two Kisses

Review :

Joel Beckett is a popular jock football (Yeah ! Love that ). He is a star on the football field, and he likes fooling around with girls around campus (Yuck ! Hate that). Everyone worshiped him on campus, including Walker Cain, his roommate.

One night, Walker Cain couldn’t hold his love for Joel any longer, and he invokes ancient magic that binds him together with Joel. Walker Cain is cursed, and everytime he provokes the spell he gains a thing from Joel. One thing that is precious to Joel : His Blessing. Each time it happens, the reality shifting, and new life given to them. Suddenly the situation changing, now Walker Cain the popular one, and Joel become the not so popular one.

It’s never enough for Walker Cain. Each new life, Walker whispers the seductive words that Joel can't resist. His spell.

Want Me.

The Story is very original. I never met story like this one. Last year when I read this book, I was so amazed. The author did amazing and wonderful job creating the character and the storyline. I really couldn’t put the book down until it finished. I feel the love that Walker feels toward Joel. It feels real and pure, and I couldn’t help feel sympathetic for him, even though he is the bad one. And I couldn’t help feel for Joel, I’m really scared for him, because he is losing so much in his life (Trust me!). I never knew what will be the ending. But don’t worry, the author gives a wonderful ending. In the end, I’m really smiling (BIG SMILE ).

I couldn’t say anymore for this book. Until now, this book still in my TOP TEN books.
If I could give this book Ten Star, I would. Trust Me.

For more information about the author, visit :

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Alchemyst

Book Title : The Alchemyst

Author : Michael Scott

Rating : *****

Review :

Ini bukan buku M/M Romance lho. Nih buku bergenre fiction and fantasy buat teen adult, tapi cukup menarik buat disimak untuk semua umur. Apalagi buat yang menyukai buku2 yang mengisahkan petualangan yang seru dan menarik diikuti dngan Magic dan Mythos. In my opinion, ni buku ga kalah dengan Harry Potter, malah gua lebih suka buku ini drpd Harry Potter (Hey, no offense buat Harry Potter fans). Ceritanya seru, ringan, penuh dengan Magic dan enak dibaca.

Story starts with Sophie and Josh Newman, the twin-15 year-old siblings take summer jobs in San Francisco. Sophie works at coffee shop and Josh works at bookstore owned by Nick and Perry Fleming. They don't realize that Nick Fleming is Nicholas Flamel, the 14th-century alchemist who could turn base metal into gold, and make a potion that ensures immortality until Dr. John Dee, the enemy who is also immortal comes into bookstore with his golem and start attacking Nicholas Flamel and Josh. Dr. John Dee looking for rare book "Codex" an ancient text of magical wisdom, which he is succeeded by snatching it from Nicholas Flamel. The problem is, without that book, Nicholas couldn't make potion for his and his wife immortality, and he is only has 30 days, before he died. Each day passed, Nicholas getting older 1 year and he is aging faster. And lately, Josh and Sophie learn that they are the Twin which mentioned in the Codex's prophecies: "The two that are one will come either to save or to destroy the world."

I really like this book, besides the story I really feel the connection between Josh and Sophie as Twin. I have a sister, she is 3 years older than me, but the strange things, We feel like a Twin. We have a connection, something like that even though we are different and obviously opposites, and not a Twin. If she is fire, then I am water. Something like that. The funny things, usually after she is sick, and she's getting better, then it's my turn getting sick. Yuck, It's suck ! :: I don't like getting sick ::

So, for everyone who likes enjoy reading book, and dreaming and fantasy, and you wanna bring the feeling and memories when you are still young or teen, (Hey, No offense People !) (I, Myself still like to dreaming even though I'm not a boy anymore) I know I know, I'm a man now. Yeah, lucky me.

Now, available the sequel of this book - " The Magician " and soon in May will be released the third - " The Sorceress "

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Trisha Yearwood - This Is Me You're Talking To

Song taken From Trisha album "Heaven, Heartache, And The Power Of Love"

This song is very very sad. First time I heard this song, I actually cried. A lot.

I can feel the pain and hurt in this song. suddenly, my heart ached and I dropped tears.

So, This is me you're talking to.

Check It Out.

Musiq Soulchild (Feat. Mary J. Blidge) - If You Leave

This song was taken from Album On My Radio by Musiq Soulchild
very catchy. Enjoy.

Trey Songz

This song was taken from Trey Songz album - Trey Day.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Kecil - kecil tapi maut

The Story starts saat gua jalan2 ama temen gua. Lagi jalan2 eh gua liat ni emping manis. Mm-hmm.. gua ga bisa nahan godaan ni emping. :: Wah, enak juga ni makan ni emping sambil nonton my favorite movie :: Akhirnya gua memutuskan beli 2 ons d ni emping manis 3 hari yang lalu.

Gua selalu suka ama emping manis yang kecil - kecil dari dulu. Tiap kali makan ni emping, gua selalu inget masa kecil gua. Ni emping punya arti tersendiri buat gua. Very nostalgic. When I was a little boy, ( very cute, with my bald head, hihihi... ) :: Hey, I'm 4 years old. Of Course I have bald head :: nyokap n bokap gua selalu ngajak gua nonton bioskop di gedung chandra (Now, it's been a long gone). Nah, sebelum nonton, nyokap gua selalu beli ni emping manis buat camilan makan di bioskop. So, tiap kali makan ni emping, gua selalu inget ama ni memories. It brings back many many sweet memories. Oh-oh Don't get me wrong, Just because I told this story, that doesn't mean something happened with my parents. My parents both my father and my mother still alive (very healthy and very very active, Thanks GOD).

2 hari yang lalu, gua uda siap - siap, nyalain Dvd player, n gua uda duduk dengan manis di ranjang gua sambil megangin ni emping manis. Ooh, ni emping enak banget. I couldn't stop eating it. I want More... MORee... MOREEE...

So, gua tetep makan ni emping dengan rakusnya.

Kraukkk !!! Kraukkk !!!

Kreekk !!!

What's that !!!

Damn, ga taunya ni emping nyangkut n kena gusi gigi gua. Ni emping biar kecil - kecil tapi tajem. Gua buru - buru minum air putih. Akhirnya gua stop tu ritual makan emping sambil nonton manis.

Besokannya pas gua bangun tidur, gua selalu mulai ritual bangun tidur gua dengan minum air putih segelas (Yes, I'm a good boy) kok sakit yah mulut gua. Gua minum lg segelas, yup It hurts so much. Ga taunya, ni emping bukan aja bikin gusi gua sakit, tapi ni emping juga melukai kerongkongan gua. Aaaaahhhhhhh !!!!!!!!

Now, setelah 2 hari, kerongkongan mulut gua masi sakit. hik... hik..

Ni emping merusak kenangan indah gua aja.

Tizi Tizzz

Friday, March 20, 2009

Sarah Connor - Under My Skin

Check this out !!! Very cacthy. She's so HOT, and so the leading male model in this clip. (Apalagi pas rambut cowo nya dijambak. Auw! Auw!) HOT banget.

Natasha Bedingfield - Again

Song from Natasha Bedingfield taken from Soundtrack The Confessions Of A Shopaholic.
Great song, and great movie. I love this movie. I should review this one tapi gua pikir semua orang uda nonton. Buat yang belom nonton, MUST WATCH THIS ONE !!!. lucu banget, tapi menyentuh juga endingnya. I consider myself as Shopaholic too, so I know the feeling and urge to buy and shopping. Like her said in the movie " It makes world feels better ".

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Junjou Romantica

Movie Title : Junjou Romantica
Genre : Yaoi Anime
Rating : ****
Review :
Yaoi is soooo cute. Jarang ada anime yg bergenre yaoi. lumayan banyak, tapi ga cukup banyak buat memuaskan kita para fans yaoi. Yaoi ini menceritakan kisah tentang Misaki dan Usagi-san, dengan tambahan two other couples. Cerita dimulai dengan kakak Misaki yg menikah sehingga menyebabkan Misaki yang tidak mau menganggu kakaknya yang baru menikah terpaksa tinggal di rumah Usagi-san. Disini dimulai getar2 cinta.
Kenapa cuma Four Star? Walaupun bagus ni anime, tapi gua merasa ada something yg kurang. I don' know what it is yg kurang, so don't ask me. tp tenang aja, ini anime cukup ok buat ditonton. Simple ceritanya, cute, ada lucunya juga, n heartfelt. uda gitu sooo romantis, :: I Wish ada Usagi-san versi nyata n gua jadi Misaki nya. :: (psst, ada adegan ml nya juga lho, ga vulgar, but enough for imagination) :: I Wish I get action like that. Uh- uh gua kan juga mau di ml. apalagi di piggyback. Hmm.. :: :: Wake up, Tizi :: Just another imagination. Hey, a boy can dream.
So, buat para fans yaoi, must watch this one. Romantis n very very heartfelt. Seperti arti kata junjou, which means heartfelt. (kalo ga salah).

The Centurion

Book Title : The Centurion

Author : James Higuchi

Rating : ***** Five Star, Two Thumbs Up

Review :

Buku ini merupakan buku pertama dari Centurion Cycle. It starts with pertempuran antara dua kekuatan besar antara Qul Tos dan Domus Empire. Qul Tos yang dipimpin oleh Ice Queen yang bernama Regent Eleanor akhirnya kalah oleh kekuatan Domus Empire yang dipimpin oleh Centurion General, Agamemnon. Queen Eleanor membuat kesepakatan untuk tidur dgn General Agamemnon dengan persyaratan bila Eleanor mengandung anak laki2, anak itu harus diserahkan ke Centurion di Domus Empire dan bila anak perempuan maka Eleanor dapat mempertahankan tahtanya sebagai Ratu Qul Tos.

Di sini cerita dimulai, Eleanor yg akhirnya melahirkan anak laki2 yg bernama Jason Argot, tdk bisa menerima kenyataan, lalu dia mengurung Jason di Menara Tower dan dididik sebagai anak cewe. Hingga akhirnya Centurion General, Agamemnon datang menuntut anaknya dengan membawa pasukan Centurion nya.

Jangan salah, buku ini merupakan one of the best gay sci-fi fantasy stories I read. Ini buku M/M Romance, bukan buku perang lho. Ceritanya tentang Jason yang disiksa sama ibunya selama 20 tahun (Bayangin aja, uda disiksa, dikurung, dijadiin anak perempuan lg) sampe akhirnya diselamatkan oleh Centurion yg namanya Philip. Dimulai d cerita percintaan dan petualangan Jason dan Philip. ll

When I was a boy, I used to dream and think I'm a Prince. hehehe... a boy can dream. Nah, ni buku memuaskan impian gua sebagai Pangeran dengan Prince Charmingnya.


Setiap minggu, gua akan merekomendasi something. It can be Book, movie, music, place, food, or anything. Rekomendasi ini merupakan sesuatu yg uda gua perna coba n gua merasa ok banget.
Uda gitu akan ada review dan ratingnya.

Nilai rating :

*** ---> Ok juga, not bad lah
**** ---> Good, gua suka, tapi kurang perfect
***** ---> I Love It

Welcome To My Blog

Hi.. Welcome to my blog. First, let me introduce myself. My Name is Tizi, but you can call me Tizzz. Mi Chiamo Tizi, e Indonesiano, abito in Jakarta. Hehehe... I just wanna show off, the truth is I really can't speak Italian, but it is my passion to learn the language. So, hopefully I can achieve that before I get too boring.

Hihihi... gaya yah gua, pake ngomong Inggris n Itali segala, padahal Indo tulen juga. hehe... gaya dikit kan boleh. Seperti Introduksi di atas, nama gua Tizzz, gua seorang cowo yg sedang mencari bondmate nya. Hopefully one day I will find him. Tapi, the problem is gua ini punya relationship issue, atau phobia sama relationship. Setiap kali percintaan gua berlanjut dr tahap perkenalan ampe mau ke boyfriend, tu penyakit pasti kumat lagi. Either I push him away or gua yang cari2 kesalahan dia. Jato2nya cinta gua ga perna ada kelanjutannya. Nanti satu2 akan gua ceritain di blog ini. Di blog ini gua pengen berbagi kisah hidup gua (cieee... kisah hidup --> uda kayak orang tua aja), cerita cinta gua yang kandas (pamali2, jangan ampe gua kualat trus jomblo seumur hidup), cerita tentang temen2 gua yg kocak dan keluarga gua. Uh, I just remember something, gua punya fetish nih, hihihi... nanti gua ceritain d.

So, moga2 pada suka dan betah di blog gua. Stay tuned.

With Love,

Tizi Tizzz